The British University in Egypt - Library


This is the service of  borrowing / receiving books to / from users. To borrow books you need first to create an account at the Circulation Desk with a valid ID (and you should annually check your account if you have one to update it). Students can borrow up to 4 books per time for seven days and items can be renewed if they are not reserved by another user. Senior students – final year – can borrow up to 6 books.
Except for Textbooks, most BUE Library items are checked out for a one-week loan period. They can generally be renewed, unless someone has placed a hold on a particular item. We do handle renewals of items over the phone, email, chat service or personally.


1- From the Library website, go to Library Account found in the right upper corner of the home page and write your Library username and password that you have created in the Library. You will find the books that is under your account and opposite to them you will find a renew link. Click on it and the book(s) will be renewed for another 7 days (from the date you renewed).

Note: After clicking the Renew link, please wait until the Webpage gives you the new due date, otherwise contact us.

2- Make a phone call to the Library Circulation Desk (19283 /26890000 Ext. 1375) and ask for renewal.

3- Email us to ask for renewing the book(s) under your account to:

4- Bring the book(s) with you for renewal in the Library before due date.

5- Log in to the Library chat services which is available from Saturday to Thursday 9:30 AM till 4:00 PM and ask to renew your book(s).

To reserve a book please apply the following steps:

  • Make sure that your needed item is not available on the Library shelves.
  • Bring the Call Number which is shown on the Library catalogue and type/capture it.
  • Go directly to the Circulation desk and ask the Librarian to search and specify the title then request placing Hold. 
  • Your name will be added to the waiting list for the reservation of the book.
  • Books can only be reserved if they are on loan to another borrower. If the book is available in the Library you are expected to come and retrieve it from the shelf in person. The Library staff will not contact you in this case.
  • As soon as your reserved item is returned, an automated e-mail will be sent to you via our Library system, or the Librarian will phone you if you are next on the list.
  • The book will be held on reserve for you at the library counter for 2 working days after its return then it will be available on the shelf.

Borrowed items must be returned to the Circulation Desk on time. Overdue material will be charged accordingly.

Most BUE Library items are charged an overdue fine as follows:

  • 6 LE per item for each overdue working day (from Saturday to Thursday)
  • Fridays and official holidays are excluded from the days counted
  • Maximum overdue fine is 150 LE (25 working days)
  • If the book is LOST the patron is billed for the replacement cost plus 25% of the current price of the item to cover the administrative overheads in addition to the previous overdue penalties.
  • If the student refuses to pay the amount due, he will not be able to borrow again until fine is paid
  • If any emergency prevents a user from returning a book in due date, or renewing an item, he/she should e-mail the library staff at
  • The fine policies are for the student benefit so as to give everyone an equal right to read.


Note: Do not forget to take your invoice after paying your fines