The digital photography book : the step-by-step secrets for how to make your photos look like the pros'! /

Kelby, Scott,

The digital photography book : the step-by-step secrets for how to make your photos look like the pros'! / Scott Kelby. - Second edition. - 5 volumes : color illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes index.

Book 1 -- Book 2 -- Book 3 -- Book 4 -- Book 5.

Furnishes an overview of the latest in digital technology, including cameras and equipment, as well as the essential techniques and skills of the photographic process--exposure, lighting, shutter speed, depth of field and resolution--and tips on how to avoid hours of photo editing by taking great photos the first time

9780321934949 (v. 1) 0321934946 (v. 1) 9780321948540 (v. 2) 0321948548 (v. 2) 9780321617651 (v. 3) 0321617657 (v. 3) 9780321773029 (v. 4) 0321773020 (v. 4) 9780133856880 (v. 5) 0133856887 (v. 5) 9780133988062 (set) 0133988066 (set)

Photography--Digital techniques.
Digital cameras.
Image processing--Digital techniques.

--Reading book

775 / KEL